Lesol, S.L.
Since 1984
At Lesol we have been dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of anti-vibration mounts since 1984. Their use is especially focused on industrial machinery and the construction sector.
To carry out a design that meets the requirements of current regulations and guarantees its proper functioning, we carry out detailed engineering studies of a very high level. In this way, we can offer all kinds of vibration, shock and noise isolation solutions to all our customers.
We are constantly growing to cover all the needs that occur in different companies and sectors. We are able to quickly adapt our offer to customer requirements, always respecting the environment and firmly committed to sustainability. We believe in constant innovation in processes and products and, therefore, we work as a team to achieve excellence in all our services.
We guarantee a correct operation of your equipment. With these products adapted to machinery, you will be able to avoid loss of power, reduce the number of breakdowns and facilitate the work of those who are nearby. Placing one of our systems can really make a difference.
Engineering Laboratory
All products manufactured in LESOL are subjected to adhesion and deformation tests to ensure their maximum quality.
These tests are performed on Hounsfield testing machines.
Mission statement
To meet the needs of all companies who need to isolate their machinery from noise, vibration and shock systems, and to provide the best quality in production and service while considering environment needs and regulations.
Corporate vision
We are an industrial company in continous growth with a client portfolio which allows us to operate in several sectors in a global market
• Team work.
• Constant innovation of products and services.
• Ethical conduct and professionalism.
• Orientation and effort towards the achievements of objectives.
• Constant search for excellence in service provision.
One of the main pillars of Lesol is quality. Since april 1999, Lesol possesses a quality standard according to ISO 9001 for “Manufacture, sell and distribution of antivibration material”.
This certificate shows the effort of our company to get the satisfaction of our customers, looking for improvement of our processes and products and our customer service.

Lesol environment compromise
Our efforts to minimize our impact on the environment are constant. We make enormous efforts to promote the use of environmentally aware systems at every stage of our business, but especially in relation to the reduction in waste.
We always strive for improved environment practices at Lesol, so that future generations can enjoy the same or better environment than we do today.

Polígono Industrial Lastaola, Parcela 3,
Naves A8-A11, 20120 Hernani (Gipuzkoa)
Tel: +34 943 335 350 · Fax: +34 943 335 291
The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.

European Regional Development Fund.
A way to make Europe.